Monday 29 January 2018

Assessment Times

Hi all,

Good class today where I went over effective Powerpoint (visuals), listened to the ideas of the presentations and we chose the assessment times.

For those students who were flexible for any of the three dates or absent, I have allocated a time.

19th February - Emma HP, Rachel B, Steven, Kirsty, Cameron, Raechael, Lisa-Marie

26th February - Emma B, Megan, Lisa, Ashleigh, Laura, Chris, Shannon

5th March - Shahla, Dean, Michelle, Lynne, Andy, Jenny

Many thanks and the next two weeks are for research and me checking your presentations for structure, text, content, conclusion, references etc.



  1. Eeekkkk!!!! First week!!!! But glad it will be over and done first, thanks mark, and yesterday’s class was great I’m half excited, half terrified lol

  2. You’ll be fine. Research, structure, not too much text on slides, interesting content, conclusion, answer some questions and bring a PMA. That’s the recipe. All you have to do is get it oven cooked on the day. At the moment we are just heating the oven up! Thanks for your comments.

  3. Replies
    1. No probs! Plenty time Lisa-Marie, plenty. On Monday everybody should have made a good start at their talks and know the structure. There will be time on 5th and 12th February to prep., so nobody should be panicking. Cheers
