Monday 15 January 2018

Effective oral presentation delivery, Prezi presents etc!

Hi all,

I really enjoyed this morning's class and there were some really good comments from all four groups when we explored the component parts to consider when thinking about how to deliver a presentation that is truly effective. I liked the anecdotal input from many of you too which helped flesh out some of the main points I was making and I hope you enjoyed hearing about some of my own experiences.

When you have decided what you might like to do your talk on, just drop me an e mail so you don't waste any valuable research time. It is likely I will say aye to your suggestion but equally possible is that some of the topics might need a wee bit of refining too! 5 minutes is not a long time, believe me. I will post a few examples of student talks on another post shortly for you to look at the import of structuring.  

So Prezi, no, not THAT American President, but Prezi, the innovative presentation tool!

If anybody fancies doing something a little different from PowerPoint, there's a programme called Prezi which opens up similar, yet different, possibilities for anchoring the spoken word.

I've popped a link to Prezi below for you to look at should you be interested.

The same rules apply, structure is key. Always remember that.

Link to a Prezi tutorial:

Link to Prezi and how it works:

Remember, the visuals ANCHOR what you are saying. The programme doesn't present it for you!

See you all again on Monday 29th January and if you have a laptop or similar, please bring it in to the prep classes.

All the best,



  1. The prezi presentation looks fab but I'll defo stick to power point for now, only just got my head around power point!! - I went to the library today and I'm excited so research my subject tonight just need to build up to the solo part!!! Eeekkk!!! - today was really positive and interesting another fab class 😀

  2. Blimey, you have almost posted within about a minute of me writing and posting this topic! I'm most impressed Kirsty! The keys to success in this assessment are structure, sources, the presenter being comfortable with the subject matter and being open to a variety of questions. I will be there to help with putting it together and any questions that come up along the way. I have just noticed that we have hit the 3,000 mark for number of views on our blog, not bad at all! Cheers, Mark

  3. Woohoo 3000!! That's amazing!!! Yeh I'm really excited now that I have a topic in mind, fingers crossed for some success this end I'm so paranoid lol defo wish I could have a wee wine first for Dutch courage! , I'll be glad when it's over and done and hopefully passed 😀

  4. Try and avoid the early am wine pick me up! 😉

  5. U hear it too!!! Ha ha- I'll make sure I'm on top of my subject!! Buzzing bring it on!!!

  6. I really enjoyed class this morning! Was so much fun. Had a look at Prezi there, its really snazzy 😁 I'll definitely give it a go

  7. I enjoyed the class too, as everybody was fully involved which always makes for good interaction. Thanks for your comments. Mark
