Friday 5 January 2018

3 easy ways to clear out life's clutter and start 2018 right

Can having less stuff, in less room, lead to more happiness? This TED presenter makes the case for taking up less space, and lays out three rules for editing your life.

I will be encouraging you to seek out the TED website when I start the teaching on effective oral presentation delivery in a couple of weeks. And when we come to look at the Listening assessment around March we will be using this amazing resource for practice and actual assessment purposes.

Here are a few talk topics under the simple heading of 'society' to give you an idea of the range of presentations out there:

Let me know what you think about Graham Hill's talk entitled 'Want to be happier? Have less stuff' in the comments section below.




  1. This is quite an interesting one , I agree with some things he said in his talk , that living smaller can reduce the carbon footprint and encourage us to only be surrounded by things that make us happy, although I really would struggle to put this into practice. I have two children and they have a million and one toys! I also am a hoarder ! I cannot throw things away! I have clothes from when I was a teenager and cards from when I was younger than that, I feel that the things I keep also make me happy though and bring back memories so that’s the main reason I hang on to them for so long and am hesitant to throw them away, if I downsized it would be completely chaotic , it also wouldn’t save me on utilities I have my heating on 24/7 to dry a mountain of clothes haha ! It may work for the young Singleton though.. so I agree with him to a point although not completely !

  2. Thanks for your measured response Ashleigh and you raise some very good points. I quite like his contention that less COULD mean more and I’m particularly impressed at the way the space is used. I’m a bit worried about the size of your utility bills though, ouch! What did you think about his delivery as a presenter by the way? Mark

  3. Hello!! I really enjoyed this one, good presentation and defo made me think about what he was saying because I could be doing with some life editing especially going into a new year. I think In an ideal world less stuff would be more but I agree with Ashley that I tend to hoard and keep items especially my boys toys, we moved into our house just over a year ago and we lost lots of stuff through moving, it was nice to have an emptier apartment and space so that things where always tidy however in my case less stuff doesnt mean less money it just meant I had to go out and buy more and run up debt, his apartment would have been ideal for me ten years ago but now I'm a hoarder and more means a lot to me because it means I'm getting my life back on track. I do agree though we should all think before we buy maybe if I do more of this I'll save on debt and make more of what I have.

    1. Happy Ne’er Kirsty! Astute comments as always and it’s all a matter of priority and quite rightly your son comes first. Even considering the notion of life editing is a positive thing and you raise some good points about the delivery. See you tomorrow for some reflections so far...

  4. My utility bills are by far my highest expenditure for sure ! I simply have no room for a tumble dryer and it’s not the weather to get them out on the line ! I liked his delivery he was very convincing and engaging too ! I did see his point although it wouldn’t have worked for me I don’t completely disagree with him . He got his point across well and I also envy his apartment and his ability to use the space in this way haha !

    1. Quite right, the context is key here. Life editing isn’t possible or practical for everybody. I too was (still am to a certain degree) a hoarder but when I moved into my new place last summer I made a conscious decision to streamline my possessions, donate a lot of things to charity and that worked for me. Bizarrely I was moving to a larger gaff but the decision was made and I stuck to it. I quite like his delivery too as it’s pointed, clear and as you say, engaging. But that might not be everybody’s take but I’m sure others will provide feedback in due course. See you tomorrow.

  5. Well.....

    Can't say I'm on board with this at all that much. Aside from the fact I do agree we should all make efforts to reduce our carbon footprints I think it's spoken like a true singleton who likely spends time travelling and socialising and for whom home is very much a base and stopover. For those of us beyond that stage of life our homes are where we spend the vast majority of our time, where we enjoy time with our families and where we raise our children and so I want my 'stuff'.

    I have the 8 ring, 2 oven cooker (ever tried to cook a meal for a family of 7 in one small oven?!). I love books and my bookshelves are full, I want more not less. My husband has about 20 judogis as that's what's important to him, my kids have toys they treasure.

    I can see the appeal of living a bohemian type life with little care for possessions but I find my comfort at home surrounded with the sentimental items we've collected through the years. I don't get to go camping much anymore or even get out much so home is my restaurant, my bar, my gym etc. The thought of downsizing is horrifying to me (we already have massive issues as the kids want to kill each other, any less space would be a slaughterhouse!). Like Ashleigh my heating is on 24/7 and the wash machine is never off.

    Anyway...I liked his presentation. His pace was slow and calm, kind of like what he was suggesting downsizing achieves, he made his point clear (even if mothers everywhere are choking into their Pinot grigio at the suggestion!).

    1. P.s. Again....I can't believe I said home is my gym hahahhahahaha, as if. You see my point though hopefully

  6. Evening Laura! I’ve missed your blog musings! Totally valid points made as always. Mind you, I imagine an exercise bike would make a great clothes horse! Keep the feedback coming, as your words are always worth reading. Cheers.
