Monday 29 January 2018

Assessment Times

Hi all,

Good class today where I went over effective Powerpoint (visuals), listened to the ideas of the presentations and we chose the assessment times.

For those students who were flexible for any of the three dates or absent, I have allocated a time.

19th February - Emma HP, Rachel B, Steven, Kirsty, Cameron, Raechael, Lisa-Marie

26th February - Emma B, Megan, Lisa, Ashleigh, Laura, Chris, Shannon

5th March - Shahla, Dean, Michelle, Lynne, Andy, Jenny

Many thanks and the next two weeks are for research and me checking your presentations for structure, text, content, conclusion, references etc.


Friday 26 January 2018

Monday 29th January class

Morning all.

On Monday we will do a few things in the class as follows.

Everybody should be able to give me a working title at the very least of the topic you wish to deliver your talk on. It doesn't need to be fully structured, but the nuts and bolts of the idea please.

You will pick when you wish to deliver your talk, which will be on ONE of the following dates: 19th February, 26th February or 5th March. Remember, you only attend the session where you are presenting.

I will do a very quick overview of how to use PowerPoint effectively, highlighting the areas where students get things wrong. This will follow on nicely from the 'good and bad presentation delivery' class we had before the catch-up week.

Please bring in your laptop, tablet etc. if you have one for the next three classes, as you will be able to work on research, slides, handouts etc. in these classes. If we run out of PCs in the class, then some of you may wish to go to the library, but I would rather avoid that if at all possible.

I have e mailed everybody back who sent their 'REintroduction' reflective writing which I thoroughly enjoyed and have written feedback on the papers I got in which were handwritten. If you haven't done this simple exercise yet, please have that ready to hand to me on Monday please.

Thank you to those members of the class who have already e mailed me with some great ideas for presentation titles. High bar, never a bad thing and something I always encourage of course. Stretching is good for you, right?

Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday.


Wednesday 24 January 2018

Additional potential research info

Hi all,

One of my students in another class was looking into various aspects of research lately and I thought the website could be of use to some of you, or even as a point of interest.

The specific article she was reading was about rough sleeping but also encompassed addiction, alcoholism and why rough sleeping can never be cured

I would encourage more of this, where if you come across something in your research, reading etc. that you feel would benefit the rest of the class, I would be more than happy to post for you and get the chatter going in the comments section! I am a big believer in collaborative learning, so share any news, info by e mail, and I will do my best to turn it into blog gold!

On the 'third force news' site there are many other articles relating to all sorts of issues and it might be helpful to some of you should your research be centred around any of these issues. 

There are sections for Health and Social Care and Social Justice and Poverty which are interesting and there is also the option to comment:



Friday 19 January 2018

‘Any less than 10 hours and I feel grumpy’: meet the clean sleepers

I came across this article and thought I would share it with you. I rarely have more than 5 hours a night, I wish I could sleep more, but I just don't as a rule.

At the end of the piece are a few things to help with sleep. Here they are, for those of you who fell asleep reading the article! I might try some myself.

1 Wind down for an hour before bed. Go into a room that is comfortable, write down any problems you have or things you need to do. Don’t go on your phone or a screen – blue light from these devices affects the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep. Deep breathing and yogic exercises will reduce adrenaline levels.

2 Keep the bedroom cool, dark and quiet; these are biological indicators to the body that it’s time to sleep.

3 Don’t use the bed as a workspace or somewhere to watch TV. The brain needs to learn that the bed is for sleeping in, not for lying in without sleep.

4 The brain likes routine. If you do the same thing every night, it will fall into a pattern.

Below is somebody who has no sleep pattern issues. What a life Jet has! Have a great weekend.

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Information on some College based resources

Hello all,

I have been really buoyed by the fact that quite a few of you have been giving the presentation assessment some serious thought which is fantastic.

Here are a few interesting links to research sites which might be of interest. I must confess I'm not sure how many of these might need a login of some description, but it could be worth having a look anyway? I have used them before in previous organisations, and sometimes the College / University have to subscribe.

NCLAN (as per my recommendation) has invested in some excellent online resources. To locate them, you should:

Click on Moodle


My Library


Go to our Online Resources


Scroll down to ‘Issues Online’

Monday 15 January 2018

Links to some example slides from former students

Below are some links to PP slides and they serve as good examples for how to structure the talks. I hope you find them helpful. They cover a good range of topics.


Effective oral presentation delivery, Prezi presents etc!

Hi all,

I really enjoyed this morning's class and there were some really good comments from all four groups when we explored the component parts to consider when thinking about how to deliver a presentation that is truly effective. I liked the anecdotal input from many of you too which helped flesh out some of the main points I was making and I hope you enjoyed hearing about some of my own experiences.

When you have decided what you might like to do your talk on, just drop me an e mail so you don't waste any valuable research time. It is likely I will say aye to your suggestion but equally possible is that some of the topics might need a wee bit of refining too! 5 minutes is not a long time, believe me. I will post a few examples of student talks on another post shortly for you to look at the import of structuring.  

So Prezi, no, not THAT American President, but Prezi, the innovative presentation tool!

If anybody fancies doing something a little different from PowerPoint, there's a programme called Prezi which opens up similar, yet different, possibilities for anchoring the spoken word.

I've popped a link to Prezi below for you to look at should you be interested.

The same rules apply, structure is key. Always remember that.

Link to a Prezi tutorial:

Link to Prezi and how it works:

Remember, the visuals ANCHOR what you are saying. The programme doesn't present it for you!

See you all again on Monday 29th January and if you have a laptop or similar, please bring it in to the prep classes.

All the best,


Monday 8 January 2018

Mid-session questionnaire comments

Hello everybody,

I found this morning's class to be particularly helpful in terms of reflection on what we are doing in the Communication classes. The idea behind this week's class was to get you to reflect on what you are doing well, where you can improve, what you like and what you don't like.

You should always think critically, so I think some of you were being overly kind when it came to how I can improve your learning, what you don't like about the classes etc! That said, it was nice to hear so many positive comments from you all, it certainly makes me feel good that you are enjoying learning about Communication and more importantly, how these skills will help you when you make the move up the academic ladder in the future.

I have typed your answers as you wrote them, so here they are!

In this class I have found it easiest to learn from (two activities only):

Individual work 5
Group working 4
Exemplar materials 8
Class discussions 11
Listening to lecturer 8
Other (please specify) 0

Areas in Communication where I feel I have progressed well are:

Whole class discussion, moral dilemmas, group work, new study methods, analytical skills testing, before the course I was very nervous about essay writing / reports, however I am now aware I am better than I thought by passing assessments, giving me confidence to apply for University, evaluating reading articles as I have never done this before, I have learned about the way I write and the words I can now use, I feel I have gained confidence speaking out and taking part in group discussions and especially when contributing to the blog, writing evaluations on various reading articles, communicating with others, reading, writing, as the weeks went on my reading evaluation improved, reading assessments has helped me focus on how I read articles, I feel my reading skills have progressed well (albeit slowly but steadily), I have learned to analyse a piece of writing and really think about what is being said instead of taking an article at face value, effective group working, reflective thinking and writing, my confidence has improved in every department and communicating effectively with the rest of the class, focusing in class more, confidence has increased, class discussions - I always considered myself a better learner when I work independently, but in this class and the overall course in fact, I realize I actually enjoy and learn via whole class discussions, good participation, talking and discussing in groups, I was anxious and nervous to begin with, however now I feel more at ease with it and actually enjoy it, confidence, in the reading exercises, also my spelling and writing has improved, being able to confidently speak out in class and enjoy the discussions we sometimes have about various topics.

Areas in Communication where I feel I have done less well are:

Writing and reading assessments (but I DID pass!), class discussions, I'm still not as organized as I would like, reflective writing (as I forget by the following week what I have done!), I could have done better on my reading as I feel looking back I should have had a better understanding on what was expected of me, we haven't done it yet, however I am less confident about the individual presentation, participation on the group chat, assessments, I tried my hardest and achieved better than I thought I would, going on the blog more, on my weaker days I am not as vocal in class and feel I did not do as well when speaking about the moral dilemmas session as a result, joining in the discussions more, my expectations for myself in this subject were low so I feel I haven't done 'less well' on any area, but saying that, I have shocked myself in how I am improving, taking my time to check my work as I just rush in sometimes, I feel my writing skills (spelling) still needs a little work, I feel I have grasped the subject well and enjoy all areas, I feel I have done well but I'm not particularly looking forward to the essay assessment.

I could improve my learning in all my subjects in the next semester by:

Dedicating more time at home to work on my subjects and study more, more preparation in advance of classes and assessment; I often feel I leave things too late but recognize I feel more confident when I prep further ahead, study time / space at home, organization, ways of thinking differently, actually studying!, keeping my head down and studying harder, improving my research and presentation skills, being more organized, more dedicated and better at managing my time, I feel there have been times when I haven't given my absolute all, prioritizing, focusing more time to study, asking for help, going on the Communication blog, making sure I understand the subject topic and balancing my social and college life, doing over my lecture notes at night, setting myself a higher bar, reviewing class notes more frequently, my aim in semester 2 is to start re-writing my notes from previous weeks the night before the next lesson as a refresher for me, going over things before rushing in, more home study and reading, participating more in class and improving my vocabulary, getting my head together better, managing time a bit better, being more organized and doing a bit more homework.

What I like most about the Communication classes:

The class discussions, the lecturer, the routine of knowing what each lesson will be about, the lecturer, I enjoy this class as I feel I'm always learning and I'm doing better than I thought I would, the relaxed atmosphere within the class and that learning can be fun, that nothing I have said or written can be defined as wrong as long as I can justify it and back it up, everybody in the class is involved and has a voice, good support network within this class, reading the list of what we have done since we began sounds complicated and not something I think I could achieve, but in reality it is broken down and made clear what we have to do which is great, the lecturer's passion to teach (thank you), everything, the chance to achieve an equivalent of a Higher at College at a relaxed pace, how organized the class structure is, the obvious knowledge of the lecturer makes me understand better, the enthusiasm and passion in the way the lecturer teaches makes me interested and engaged within this class and I enjoy all the group chats, the camaraderie amongst the class and the variety of subject matter discussed, open discussions, this class is pushing me to get better at a subject I struggle with and have avoided, I feel this is an energetic class and time passes quickly as Mark keeps it moving and times each section well, I enjoy doing my own research and bringing it together as we did for the discussion assessment, the way we get to openly discuss opinions without ridicule, positive attitude and listening to the experiences of others and opinions on multiple subjects.

What I like least about the Communication class:

Sometimes people talk at the same time, for me too long is given for assessments (ie 3 week blocks) as I find myself at a loose end once I have completed in the middle of a Monday and I EAT loads, it is the subject I like least because I've struggled with English most of my life, the upcoming solo talk, talking up but that's because I don't feel like I can do it well just yet, the monarchy topic for the discussion assessment didn't interest me, reflective work as my memory is poor, writing, dreading the individual presentation, the class is on a Monday morning.

Blog comments:

I like reading other people's views on a variety of subjects, blog is great but I don't always write how I feel as I don't always get the chance because of lack of time, love the blog and it has replaced my Facebook / social media gap; it's very interesting and relevant and appreciate the effort put into making it accessible for us, sometimes there are too many posts in one week for me to keep up  - I'm not often online so might just be me, very well put together raising good topics, however due to the platform I forget about it unless revising for a Monday morning, it is a great interaction, I have read it a few times and it is interesting, I think it is a great way to interact on various topics in an informal way, it is always very insightful with lots of comments, I like some of the subjects discussed and the comments made by some members of the class, could do with more 'in the news material' and more controversial subjects, a place online outside of college for extra learning / communication with the class is always a good idea in my opinion, I enjoy it as I get the chance to comment on news articles, I read news / current affairs often and it is nice to have a safe place to share my valued opinion, I love it and enjoy reading it, especially looking at the opinions of others.

Any further comments about the Communication Unit:

I have enjoyed Communication more than expected. I did Comms. previously and found it nerve-wracking. Perhaps with maturity I feel more confident and so am enjoying it more as a result. I think I am doing a good job. I've learned more about English / Communication in this class than I did in the whole of High School. I like the way we work as a unit; it has certainly boosted my confidence. I have really enjoyed the Unit and the very relevant to the course subject matter. Well structured. The class is always on time and used efficiciently to teach / learn, rather than going off topic. No midway breaks either in this class which are unnecessary. We get lots of time to complete each assessment. I like the Unit and I personally don't think it should change as I have grown with confidence from when I started. I feel more confident now in Communication than I believed I could at the beginning of class, and I love that we can practice techniques and questions before the assessments. I have enjoyed all aspects of communication and look forward to the next semester. Mark is always a very positive and happy lecturer. I enjoy reading and writing. English was my favourite class in school, but I don't like the TED talks. I was really nervous about discussion assessments, mainly because I was afraid my group would have picked the one topic I didn't want due to personal loss this last year. The only thing I'd change is possibly set people's mind at ease, or I may have freaked out and left. Thankfully I didn't and actually enjoyed it! I actually think I am most proud of overcoming this out of all of my subjects this year and I love the teaching style and challenges I have faced which has actually pushed me on to succeed. Communication is great, to get back into a subject and evaluating it in order of the subject. And also having clear structure.

3 little words!

So here are the words you wrote down this morning when I asked you to jot down three words when you think about College:

Child free
Doing better than I thought (I'm no mathematician, but that's more than 3!)
Is it worth it?
What am I doing?
Enjoying the subjects
Organise (more)
New friends

Friday 5 January 2018

3 easy ways to clear out life's clutter and start 2018 right

Can having less stuff, in less room, lead to more happiness? This TED presenter makes the case for taking up less space, and lays out three rules for editing your life.

I will be encouraging you to seek out the TED website when I start the teaching on effective oral presentation delivery in a couple of weeks. And when we come to look at the Listening assessment around March we will be using this amazing resource for practice and actual assessment purposes.

Here are a few talk topics under the simple heading of 'society' to give you an idea of the range of presentations out there:

Let me know what you think about Graham Hill's talk entitled 'Want to be happier? Have less stuff' in the comments section below.



Monday 1 January 2018

Happy Ne'er 2018

Happy New Year everybody and I hope you all had a lovely time celebrating yesterday.

May this new year all your dreams turn into reality and all your efforts into great achievements. We are certainly getting there.

And as always, the best way to predict the future is to create it!

I look forward to seeing you all next week.

All the best,
