Monday 12 March 2018

Jamie Oliver TED Talk

Hi all,

This is the Jamie Oliver TED talk that we looked at in class today.

I think this provides lots of talking points in terms of content, visuals, delivery, vocabulary and much more.

I enjoyed listening to everybody's opinion in the class, all valid, but don't forget to detach from the person, the presenter, as it is the info that is being presented and how which is the trick for the Listening assessment.

For what it's worth, although not a particular fan of Oliver personally, or his restaurants, I think this is a truly powerful delivery with tons of merit. He is passionate, articulate, humorous, integrates a wheen of effective visual imagery and is heartfelt. He impressed me with this delivery, and the amount of hits on TED, You Tube and other platforms is astonishing.

But what say you? Pop your valued thoughts in the comments box below please.

Next Monday we will have a look at the questions, possible solutions to the questions and I will hand out the transcript of the talk and the Listening assessment helpnotes too.

Always remember, like the reading texts, detach from any pre-conceived ideas you have, and evaluate as you see (and hear in this case). This is especially sage advice for the assessment with a political slant. You may be a fan of the presenter's politics, or you may not. But the evaluation and analysis should always be objective!

You all have the summary and evaluation skills in your lockers, so these two assessments I see no problems ahead for you.

I look forward to reading some observations.



  1. Came to my mums after college and asked everyone’s thoughts on Jamie Oliver I was surprised that no one particularly likes him, however I let them watch the TED talk and all agreed it was a great delivery and very passionate! - very valid points and very well presented! Well done Jamie! 👍

    1. I'd say he is a bit of a Marmite type of character in some respects, but we see a different Jamie Oliver in this presentation, and not the cheeky chappy "chuck the Olive Oil everywhere and bung it in some tin foil" style we might expect! The key to the talk is the preventable aspect of this killer. He is trying to make a difference and has been recognised for this. Thanks for your comments.

  2. I have never had an opinion on Jamie Oliver. But after his presentation today I quite like him. He was really engaging. He was really passionate about the subject which really got my attention.

    1. Engaging and passionate I feel are certainly appropriate for this delivery. But as we know, the talk is not without fault, and we should always recognise the strengths and the weaknesses. But the former most certainly outweigh the latter, no question about that. Thanks for your words.

  3. Not a fan of Jamie Oliver but I was impressed by his speech very passionate and well researched. I liked his delivery he clearly believes in what he is saying.

    1. Yes, the passion and the believability in what he is saying is key. But as always, pros and cons are how we evaluate writing and speaking 'texts'. Thanks for your comments, see you later this morning. Mark
