Monday 12 March 2018

3 words - oral presentation assessment reflections

At the end of today's reflective feedback session on oral presentation, I asked you to jot down three words to describe the oral presentation experience. The results are noted below.

  • quick
  • informative
  • 'not that bad'
  • fun
  • educational
  • stressful
  • nerves
  • grounded
  • achievement
  • glad
  • knowledge
  • happy
  • relief
  • 'oh dear'
  • confident
  • fun
  • enlightening
  • optimistic (about future presentations)
  • nerves
  • proud
  • more knowledgeable now
  • enlightening
  • challenge
  • positive
  • informative
  • confidence boosting
  • learning curve
  • buzzing
  • relieved
  • proud
  • fine
  • over-thought
  • knowledgeable
  • good
  • confident
  • knowledgeable
  • breeze
  • easy going
  • fun
  • surprising
  • diverse
  • interesting
  • 70s
  • PMA!
  • pets
  • food
Thank you to all the contributors.



  1. Sorry I had to miss class today , I have one sore baby today. Looks like going by the feedback everyone had a great experience as did I. Looking forward to the next challenge .

  2. Yes, I don't know which words are attributed to whom, which is half the fun! The trick is that everybody moves on from their experiences in this assessment, and uses the feedback (self, peer and mine) to enhance future deliveries, starting with Ryan's Literature assessment. This has been a richly rewarding experience for me too seeing everybody's mini research projects if you will come to fruition. Everybody a winner! Thanks, Mark

  3. Looks like everyone has positive things to say about the assessment - pma all the way indeed 😀

  4. Great class today as always! Love reflecting! Positive words up there!! ��

  5. Yes, I think the key is sharing our experiences, whether they are good or bad. Sometimes we can be too self critical (which may not be entirely a negative thing in some ways). But however we look at it, there are specific criteria to be met to pass this particular assessment and everybody did so, and well. Moving on from this as a springboard for more deliveries in the future is important. Often learners see THIS assessment as they key one and put all their energy into producing a great talk, then in other areas don't put as much effort into future presentations. Keep the impetus up, as everybody is on a roll, that's my advice! Thanks for your reflections Kirsty and Emma. See you Monday for further Oliver reflections. Mark

  6. Sorry Mark just seen this I like the word list some good positivity there. I liked the reflections too was a good class last Monday.

  7. Yes it was a great class. Reflecting is always good. And some interesting words too. I often wonder who wrote down what! Have a great weekend. Cheers, Mark

  8. Love the word buzzing that seems like a kirsty word lol look forward to seeing yous on Monday x
