Monday 26 February 2018

Presentation Success, Part Deux!

Hello all,

Five great talks today covering a wide range of subjects, resulting in passes all round again, so well done to all attendees.

The subjects covered today were: Technology and Childhood, Post-Military Life, Rise of Instagram, Machines vs. Human Workforce and Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

I would like all 5 presenters to make some comment about what they learned, dare I say 'enjoyed' about the session.

Lend me your thoughts...



  1. Hi Mark , really pleased with how well everyone did ! I really enjoyed Laura’s talk obviously because it was fantastic , emotional and really got me thinking about the way we treat our service men and women when their service comes to an end. Which is quite sad. I really enjoyed Emma’s too and I could really relate with having two children and seeing it first hand in practice. I enjoyed delivering mine funnily enough even though I was nervous and supposedly no one could tell! Perhaps I’m my own worst enemy! Have a good one :)

  2. It’s always good to self critique, but equally it’s definitely OK to say you’ve done a really good job on an assessment! I too liked the variety of the topics (as I did last week). The mini groups I feel work well as there is a genuine sense of being collegiate and slightly less pressure. We can all learn from each other in many different ways. Thanks for your comments, and the mirror. Hopefully I won’t crack it! Mark

  3. Hi mark ,
    I really enjoyed the presentation’s yesterday. We all done well! I feel like I know now what to work on for the future. Laura’s presentation really open my eyes up to the way service men and women are treated! I really enjoyed Ashleigh’s it learned me something that I wasn’t aware of. I really enjoyed the end with all the fed back after we had presented. Thank you

  4. That's great feedback Emma and we can all learn from assessments like these in terms of how we might improve, observing others, learning about content we might not know a lot about and also reflect on successes. Our learning should always be continuous, as teaching should be too. Well done again.

  5. Hello.

    I have fairly mixed feelings about my own performance on Monday.

    I experienced something I hadn't expected to (I didn't feel particularly emotional when preparing the presentation, it's just my life) so really surprised myself that I reacted the way I did. I think a combination of nerves and the subject just overwhelmed me on the day and I do regret the effect that had on my delivery of the presentation. For me the most important aspect of my presentation, the 'WHY' was lost because I'd lost my stride and I do feel disappointed about that as I wanted to really get that across to you all.

    I have certainly taken something from it in that I do need to be cautious of what I chose to talk about in future and if I do chose to talk about something I find personal or particularly emotive then I need to think about how I'll channel that positively and not turn into a 'bubbling wreck'.

    I am grateful that I experienced it in the safe environment we were in and so that's a positive for me.

    With regards the other presentations and the day in general. I enjoyed the smaller group setting, not only for the 'safe space' it created but it ensured everyone's interest was held and wasn't overly long. I was also impressed by the scope of subjects. It's great how we can be given the same directive and take such different directions yet all achieve a pass!

    I really wasn't sure what route Chris was going to take and though he handled the subject really succinctly as it could be a massive subject. Emma's was hugely interesting to me as a parent and I was so impressed with how naturally Megan came across. And Ashleigh, well Ashleigh nailed it. So professional yet friendly in her presentation and packed a lot into her time.

    Well done everyone!

  6. Thanks Laura.

    Now, you do remember my feedback to you don’t you? “That’s one of the finest presentations I’ve assessed at this level in many many years”, quote, unquote...

    Great feedback from you as always, but the personalisation was very much one of the strengths of your delivery. Sensitively pitched and really helpful to the structure of your delivery.

    I like the way you frame the ‘safe environment’ part, and that is key to all talks. Knowing the audience and the venue you're presenting in.

    Great comments on your peers too, really helpful.

    But to conclude, do reflect upon just how good your own talk was too. That’s the thing to focus on!

    Well done again.


  7. megan ferguson2 March 2018 at 13:23

    hello Mark!

    I too felt I came across natural and confident when speaking about the rise of Instagram and I was very proud of my delivery when I left your lecture! I was slightly apprehensive before the talk and it was surprising to me that I delivered as I had hoped- with saying that I think I took away some inner confidence that I need to take with me on my day to day life because, I can do it! Maybe I am like Ash also and I am too my own worst enemy!

    I think the small groups is a great idea because it is quick and keeps the talks interesting and not repetitive, as the audience would get restless in my opinion!

    Chris' talk was very academic, rehearsed and made sense throughout- structure and content wise!

    Emma I thought done very well because she was very nervous and still continued and finished the talk, I know through being friends with Emma she did feel this way and I think she done so well considering she has an introvert personality.

    Ash- related to her own personal experiences and let the audience into her own personal life which was very interesting and her delivery was top class!

    Laura- I too think she has the approach and the delivery of being a teacher and I think she could do anything she wants in her life! The subject opened my eyes to how the veterans are treated after war and it came to a shock to me, these men and woman loose their status essentially after they fight for their country and go through detrimental effects to their life after they serve time! very educational and eye opening.

    I enjoyed my talk and hope you did too mark! it was fab.

  8. Thanks Megan, some very detailed and measured feedback here, thank you. I really liked the collegiate approach of this group and all the talks had plenty positives to reflect upon. Thanks, Mark
