Monday 12 February 2018

E-cigarettes should be on sale in hospital shops, health body says

Interesting article worth making some comment on.



  1. Well, I've just learned something. I was under the impression that vaping was almost as bad as smoking and this article challenges that.

    I think it would certainly be more pleasant for visitors to hospitals not to have to walk through the cloud of smoke from cigarettes however I don't believe hospitals should sell anything that is addictive or a risk to health. So, if vaping poses any health risk (which it does) then hospitals shouldn't sell it.

    I do think there would be value in exploring whether it would be useful for gps to encourage vaping as opposed to smoking and perhaps prescribing it (same as they do methodone to wean people from drugs) however I don't believe the NHS should sell any addictive substance.

  2. I think the jury is still out on the effects of vape. There’s been a fair amount of research into the topic but nothing, that I’m aware of, to suggest it is that safe. I’m surprised hospitals could allow such products to be sold. But it’s certsinly an interesting suggestion.

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