Monday 5 February 2018

FAQ - assessed presentation

Hello everybody,

Here are some FAQs that I often receive regarding oral presentations. I hope they help! If you have any questions in addition to these, please e mail me and I will add them into the mixer.

The presentations are all coming along nicely and I am looking forward to learning lots of new things!

Q. Do I have to print off slides?

A. Yes, this would be very helpful. What could go wrong? The data projector and / or PC might not be working on the day (very unlikely) but you should always consider a back-up strategy. Slides and handouts are always helpful for the audience.

Q. Do I have to e mail Mark my slides?

A. Yes, you do. I’d like to look at them before I save them onto my memory stick. This will save any unnecessary logging into your e mails, One Drive accounts etc. Preparation is very much the watchword here.

Q. What is the running order on the day?

A. I will leave that up to you, I don't want to interfere too much with the presentation process.

Q. How many questions will I get and from whom?

A. Everybody will get at least two questions based on what they have talked about in their presentation. The questions can be from Mark and / or the students in the respective assessments. Students are likely to ask different questions to the assessor in this instance as they are subject specialists.

Q. Do I need to dress formally?

A. No, but don't wear flip flops, caps, sunglasses etc.!

Q. Will we get feedback after?

A. Yes, of course, as always! You will reflect on YOUR performance, you will reflect on ONE of your peers and I will feedback giving the result, which hopefully will be a pass. The feedback will happen after everybody has delivered their talk.

Q. Do I need to include references on my slides?

A. Oh yes, most definitely. All presentations will follow pretty much the following structure: Title slide (name of subject, your name, date, an appropriate image), then a slide telling the audience what you will talk about (could be called structure, presentation order, outline of talk, contents etc.), then all your findings, a conclusion slide with bullet points of what you have discussed, a slide with all your sources / references and finally a slide asking for questions.

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