Monday 6 November 2017

Frequently asked questions - reading assessment

Hello all,

I was impressed with your input over the last few weeks, verbally and in your written analysis, so well done to all of you in attendance over those preparatory sessions. If you have any further questions, please ask them using the comments box at the bottom of this page.

So, some FAQ...

Q. Can I use all of the materials we have used over the last three weeks?

A. Yes

Q. Even the sample answers you gave out and all the amazing helpnotes you lovingly prepared?

A. Yes!

Q. How does the assessment work?

A. I have set aside three weeks for each reading assessment (there are two to do before the holidays). This is so nobody feels rushed and has ample time to give their best work in. The sessions will be done in silence with me in attendance and I will mark what you have done after each class. This feedback will be made available to you the following week on a one to one basis.

Q. What happens if I don't get through the two assessments by the time we break for the Christmas vacation?

A. There will be time in the catch up week (in January) for you to complete any work not already passed for me.

Q. Am I right in saying that question 1 is where I provide a summary of the main points in my own words (remembering to think about somebody who has never read the article before), with some supporting quotes, stats etc., questions 2, 3 and 4 are on purpose, reader and writer's stance followed by question 5 which is on evaluation?

A. Absolutely correct. There will be no trick questions, just the same format as the ones we did in class. My PP helpnotes are there to do just that, help you.

Q. Am I being assessed on my writing skills? I know I am a poor speller.

A. No, this assessment assesses your analytical and evaluative skills, and there will be no penalty for bad spelling. Spelling becomes important when you put PP slides together, write an essay etc.

Q. Any final advice?

A. Don't stress out, do your best, bring a highlighter pen and don't feel you have to complete the assessment in one sitting. There is plenty of time set aside for you.

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