Wednesday 4 April 2018

UK areas most at risk from robots

This article caught my eye in relation to the talk that Chris delivered on this theme.

So what do you think?



  1. Not familiar with Northamptonshire but after Chris’s talk I’ve got to say I’m not overly surprised! 32% is an unbeleivable figure though! It’s a sign of the times u fortunately and is only going to get worse from here

  2. Jesus ! I say that like it comes as a shock, however, we all knew it would happen eventually! But we’re letting it happen to be honest ! Technology has went to far ! It sickens me! Kind of off point a bit here but my niece was moaning the other day as she was told that she wasn’t allowed to go see her friend that she met on holiday, so to lighten her spirits I explained about pen pals! Her reaction with an attitude may i add was pfft why would i do that when i can snapchat her ! Im like wow shes 10 😱 ! Yes i use technology however but taking our jobs is a step to far ! Yes I understand there is certain jobs it will be benificial but no just no !! Im going to stop there tho before i hit a rant 😂😂

  3. Technology has gone too far I prefer writing on paper. I'd rather not use computers but it's a necessity now. I've been reading sci-fi for a long time so i knew this was coming.

    1. Yes, it never ceases to amaze me just how accurate sci-fi writing can be. I do think that this could pose a genuine problem for teaching staff in the not too distant future. Fortunately we are heavily unionised so would oppose any 'plans' learning institutes might have for us. Thanks for your comments as always.
