Wednesday 18 April 2018

Stop promoting junk food to our kids – we’ve had enough!

Above is a link to Jamie Oliver’s latest campaign against junk food.

All comments welcome as always,



  1. I have one word to say... stupidity!

  2. So, this will be the fifth or sixth attempt at commenting, if this doesn't work I may launch this computer out the window.

    So, I think I may be the only one here that agrees with Jamie on this one, 100% agrees. Don't jump me.

    I am an adult who has, throughout my life, made unhealthy life choices. I am overweight, unfit and far too fond of the old vino (shocker!). Now, I am educated enough to know how to make changes, eat less, move more and put down the wine glass however for me it's not so easy. These are the habits of my lifetime and I have developed them over almost 35 years (cough), it's not so easy to change that. I believe that if we steer children towards healthier choices when they are young then it will be easier for them to avoid the obesity/poor health trap that many adults are in now. I do think that had I been less exposed to unhealthy influences (and had healthier parent) then maybe I wouldn’t be in the position I am now.

    We all know that media hold massive influence over our life and choices, it influences us without us even realising and so the adverts for junk food will absolutely be influencing our young people and will encourage poor food choices (I can't tell you how many times I've had a KFC after seeing an advert). There is no way the junk food corporations are investing tens of millions in advertising without getting a return from it.

    My argument is that it won't cause any harm to us, or our kids, not to see be exposed to junk food advertising at every turn so where's the harm in restricting it? I'm not one for over legislating but can honestly say that as an adult I am struggling to change my lifestyle so if my children can develop healthier lifestyles from day one maybe they won't find themselves in my position 30 odd years down the line.

    Advertising does work, that's why they pay millions for it because they're guaranteed a return, so let’s restrict how they can influence us and our children. Let us make our own choices without advertisers manipulating us and our impressionable children.

  3. P.s. I should be clear that I agree with the principles of the campaign but not hiding my eyes and posting a picture. Perhaps a petition to the government would be more effective.

  4. Theres always one.... kidding Laura

  5. That made me titter. I'm glad you put the disclaimer in though!
