Friday 8 December 2017

Summary Question Feedback

Hello all,

Just a quick question on the summary question for reading assessment two.

Did you prefer having pointers to some of the things you could highlight this time around, or did you prefer the generic summarise the whole passage approach as per the first assessment?

I would be interested to hear your views.

Thanking you!


  1. Personally i found the pointers better on the second assessment, it gave me more of a structure to follow. I don't know if it was just me, but i hated that second article. I felt the Image they used made the article feel like a glorified ad for Zoellas book.

  2. Thanks for your reflections Steven. Yes, the signposts were devised to help in exactly that way and as a result I felt the responses were much better overall. I have no problem with you hating the article, as liking it is merely a bonus! I was aiming for another article which dealt with societal views and the result was fewer incidences of remediation, which was my goal! Thanks for your comments and I hope to see you here more often in the future. Cheers.

  3. I thought the structure of the second article helped me answer question 1 easier.
    The content wasn’t my cup of tea, it made me sad for girls today.
    It just seemed easier to write about though, maybe it’s just me or maybe because we’d done one before.
    The first one didn’t stand out to me as much positive or negative.

    1. Thanks Rachel. I picked the second one in the hope it would make you reflect on the subject matter afterwards. I hope all four texts we examined did that different reasons.

  4. I found the second assessment much easier to follow and explain, I did however like the content- I found it positive and interesting and with my own teenage sister very relevant advice 😀

  5. Thanks Kirsty and especially as you have linked the content of the article with your sister as well. It is perhaps interesting to note that some of the group liked the first one better for lots of reasons, and vice versa. At the very least, two things emerged I think from feedback (formal and informal), namely that: 1) the work produced was of a very good standard across the class with all students learning from their remediation re. text 1 and 2) all members of the class learned from the content of the texts, in a variety of contexts, expressing some good opinion on the subject matter. I will certainly use the same two texts next year for assessment as I feel they have worked well. I will probably signpost the types of things I am looking for in the summary too for both articles, which is one of the approaches permissible from the Unit descriptor. Over 8 assessments, there are MANY different ways to get the job done. It is my responsibility to write them all for all the different Units and subject groups!
