Friday 8 December 2017

A mother’s £30 price to relatives for the festive meal has led to outrage, but she’s just being honest about the hard work and hassle

I shall leave you to gobble this story up and let me know what you think about this one.

Have a great weekend, whatever you are up to.



  1. £30 is excessive I could eat at a semi reasonable restaurant for that price and not have to put up with family drama or “children watching snowman on a loop” lol! Interesting read , I think if you don’t want leftovers or the hassle of being stuck with a clean up have a quiet dinner on your own with your husband and kids lol, why invite people and then charge them ? Strange

  2. It isn't something I am familiar with, and arguably isn't in the spirit of Christmas, but I do understand the expense of it all. If somebody asked to maybe bring some booze, a dessert, nice cheeseboard etc. I would have no issues. If they asked for £30 I would be saying sorry pal, I am washing my hair...

  3. Well she sounds like a barrel of laughs!

    £30 is excessive. I often host Christmas dinner and it does cost a fortune but not to that value per person. She's obviously going overboard.

    I don't think much of her friends and family who don't show up or forget their promised contributions (how rude!) so maybe, like Ashleigh, says it's time for her to give up the big feasts and have a small affair for her immediate family.

    If you invite guests to your home then you absorb the costs otherwise you don't host dinner parties. If your guests are kind enough to offer to bring a dish then that's fabulous and if they don't maybe you need better friends lol.

    I personally always offer to bring a dish (and I'm always rejected) so I bring chocolates or nibbles instead and without a doubt I always bring copious amounts of booze (only fair given how much I drink!) and I can honestly say my friends do the same. It's not clear who this woman is inviting but they don't strike me as particularly close if they behave so badly as to not show up.

    I would advise she goes to her local instead and take the stress out of Christmas
