Monday 25 December 2017

Merry Xmas Everyone

Hello everyone and merry Xmas.

Sadly I have succumbed to the dreaded lurgy, (no, NOT the man 'flu variety, but the real deal, ha ha), so I have spent the day in bed which for somebody who only takes 5 hours sleep is really quite something! And not in a good way. That said, I have four new golfing breeks for the 2018 season, which is your favourite / least liked?! Shamrock and Roll, Fore of a Kind, Interference or Ferries Wheels? Ha ha.

I hope you all had a lovely day and you were in better nick than I am.

All the best,



  1. Loving the trousers as usual ! Sorry to hear you’ve taken unwell during Christmas :(!! I hope you start to feel better in time for your golf tournaments ! I myself had a quiet day with the kiddies and fan who were absolutely ruined as usual ! Hope you pick up for the new year !

  2. Thanks Ashleigh. Happens nearly every year and has done for the best part of 20 years. Yet only one day off sick in 17 years! Odd. It’ll pass. I went to Tesco to get a carry out today; aye, cough cure, Lemsip and the like!! So which pair were your ‘favs’? If there’s such a thing! Mark

  3. Sorry to hear you're unwell Mark, not the best way to spend Christmas. Hopefully you'll be up and running again for Hogmanay.

    It was a quiet Christmas for us, well as quiet as it can be with 5 kids. Still that didn't stop me sitting up half the night drinking my body weight in wine. My logic is the quicker I drink it all then the quicker I can start the diet ��.
    As for your new breeks, I like the shamrocks and the Ferris wheels best. I have no comment to make about number 3 (read into that what you may lol).

    Hope you feel better soon. Laura

    1. Thanks Laura. When I posted my ‘kerryoot’ photo on Facebook, Andrew wondered if Lemsip was a new Aussie wine. He was shocked at the contents of my carrier bag, ha ha. I plan to catch up on missed drinking time around Friday and I’m on the mend at least. And I hope to don one of my new pairs of trews too if I can stop aching! Keep drinking the wine, it’s Xmas after all! Mark

  4. You say Ferris wheels I say fireworks !! I like the shamrocks too ! Maybe it gives you the luck of the Irish when your playing? Your carry out is making me sad ! Haha hopefully the meds will help and you’ll have a rare old hootenanny this weekend :)

    1. Hi early am blogger! My bag of tricks is working as I feel much better this morning thankfully. I’m always on the go, always, so maybe a wee bit of chill time was needed! Cheers

  5. No rest for the wicked, my children are up very early to play with their new toys that I am now regretting purchasing ! Glad to hear you are on the mend !

    1. Thank you. Och no, no regrets when there’s smiles aplenty going around. You can get some kip some other time!

  6. Woo!! Merry crimbo!! Glad ur on the mend!! I like the funky 70's looking ones!! And the shamrocks of course they will be great for paddys day 😀 Xx

    1. Hello, nice to hear from you Kirsty. Hopefully you had a nice Xmas at yours. Yes, the ‘Shams’ could make an appearance in March right enough. I think that’s when St Patrick’s Day is? Or maybe sooner, ha ha.
