Monday 25 December 2017

Merry Xmas Everyone

Hello everyone and merry Xmas.

Sadly I have succumbed to the dreaded lurgy, (no, NOT the man 'flu variety, but the real deal, ha ha), so I have spent the day in bed which for somebody who only takes 5 hours sleep is really quite something! And not in a good way. That said, I have four new golfing breeks for the 2018 season, which is your favourite / least liked?! Shamrock and Roll, Fore of a Kind, Interference or Ferries Wheels? Ha ha.

I hope you all had a lovely day and you were in better nick than I am.

All the best,


Sunday 17 December 2017

Happy Holidays Everybody

Hello everyone,

Just a final post of this term to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy Ne'er when it arrives.

Below is a link to a video from a night out which got a little out of hand for Andrew and I, ha ha. One thing you will never hear me say though is: "Oiiiiiii, get out of my blogggggggggggggg!"


Mr. H, Andrew and my 84 year old mum, aka The Duchess, still loving life!

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Schedule of Communication classes for after the holidays (and the final one of this year)

Hello all.

Just a final word on the academic front before we close for the end of 2017. I have really enjoyed working with you all, and without exception, all of you have performed very well indeed. We still have a very long way to go, but we are getting there. The culture and rapport in the classes has been excellent and when teaching and learning is very much a two-way process between the educator and the learner(s), we are always onto a winner, so thank you for that.

It will be no mean feat (from both you and me) to have almost everybody at the stage where they have passed three of the assessments for my Unit by the close of 2017. It takes time, dedication and skill to produce work to the requisite standard. An increasing level of talent from class members helps too of course.

It would be remiss of me not to mention all the interesting comments members of the class have posted in response to all the blog musings I type up. I would love to hear from more of you. Don't forget, we love a discussion and we don't always need to agree. So don't be a feartie, get involved!

So, we have done three assessments  together: the discussion and two reading analyses (Girls in Today's Society and Hangovers at Work). Some very good work indeed submitted and delivered for that particular triptych!

We have five further assessments to complete in the Ne'er: an oral presentation on a subject which is of relevance to the subject area that you are studying, two listening assessments (recorded presentations on two different themes) and two writing assessments. One will be an essay (free choice) and one is a report (which is integrated with the work you have already submitted for Andrew). I am still to sample that work, and if I feel anybody needs to tighten up their writing skills I will let those students know individually. I am confident that the majority (if indeed not all) of the reports will be a pass for my requirements too, but I need to see them as a matter of Quality Assurance anyway as you will appreciate. I will do that sometime in the Ne'er.

I plan to use the upcoming sessions as follows:

18/12 - those who have not yet passed both reading assessments will attend my class 11.15-1.15. If you have passed both the reading assessments and I have told you this, you will be marked with an authorised absence.

Into 2018 then...

8/1 - reflection of your learning so far, what you could do better, some reflective writing, discussions. This session will take the form of verbally articulating your thoughts on the classes and your Programme in general from August to this point, filling in an evaluation questionnaire devised by me (info to be recorded on the blog of course, which is anonymous, so feel free to reflect as you please, within reason of course!) and a short writing exercise for my keeping only.

15/1 - what makes an effective / ineffective oral presentation / how NOT to use PowerPoint. Distribution of the oral presentation brief and a list of subjects delivered in previous cohorts.

Week beginning 22 / 1 - catch up week. There will be a two hour slot allocated for members of the class who have not yet passed both the reading assessments. I will speak with students individually about their progress if we need to use time in this slot. I cannot say which day that will be yet as I know there will be some mandatory sessions I will need to attend in that week. And possibly deliver some sessions for staff, but I will know more about that when we come back in January. For the two members of the class yet to sit the discussion assessment, I haven't forgotten about you (or the assessment) and will arrange probably a lunchtime slot in the second semester sometime when I know my new timetable. That will not pose any problems at all for either of those students, but needs to be done.

29/1 - examples of PP presentations from some of my former students, a look at the assessed brief in detail, you work on research, preparation in class with me. If you have a laptop, please bring them in for the prep sessions as we only have limited PCs in the room. Thank you.

5/2 and 12/2 - prepare presentations in class with me. I need an e mailed copy of everybody's slides prior to delivery.

19/2, 26/2, 5/3 - deliver assessed presentations in class (splitting the class up into three groups - you will choose a date). After you have delivered your talks, you will be given the opportunity to self analyse your talk, critique one of the talks you have listened to and receive detailed feedback from me. These sessions have proved to be very helpful in the past and will contribute to confidence building, peer and self reflection and develop your research and analytical skills, not to mention the main purpose of that assessment which is to deliver an oral presentation lasting between 5 and 8 minutes using PowerPoint. You only attend the session where you are being assessed, not all the dates.

At this stage we will take stock of where we are, catch our collective breaths and I will devise the next schedule of work up until the Easter vacation.

Look out for a special festive message next week sometime on the blog which should make you titter...

Well done to all of the students completely up to date with their reading analysis assessments and for those I will see on Monday, we will get as much done in that session as is possible.

All the very best,


Life is indeed a balancing act!

Good morning!

I was going to post something about time management and my cat Jet unwittingly provided the perfect photos to complement my point as I looked up and saw him peering down on me on one of the beams in the flat!

So, I would like to hear your thoughts on how you manage your time. Life has unquestionably changed for you all since starting this SWAP Access journey. New routines will now be in place, different struggles too arguably, but a worthwhile potentially life changing choice of course.

Are you a better time manager since you started your course? (Perhaps you have been forced into it).

Have you developed a new approach to time management?

What are your secrets to an already effective time management strategy?

I always encourage you to be 'reflective practitioners' as it is something I do constantly as an educator.

Get tapping on the keys below in the comments box!



Friday 8 December 2017

Summary Question Feedback

Hello all,

Just a quick question on the summary question for reading assessment two.

Did you prefer having pointers to some of the things you could highlight this time around, or did you prefer the generic summarise the whole passage approach as per the first assessment?

I would be interested to hear your views.

Thanking you!

A mother’s £30 price to relatives for the festive meal has led to outrage, but she’s just being honest about the hard work and hassle

I shall leave you to gobble this story up and let me know what you think about this one.

Have a great weekend, whatever you are up to.


Wednesday 6 December 2017

We have hit the 2000 barrier!

I'm astonished that we have now hit 2000 'reads' of our blog. That's fantastic and thank you for engaging with the content I post.

Let's make a concerted effort for more people to post. And don't forget, your opinion counts, whatever it may be!

Thanks again,


Monday 4 December 2017

Are Saturday jobs less popular among teenagers now?

This is an interesting article which raises the issue of pressures on pupils of today and the effects of having a part-time job (or not).

My first job was at Marks and Sparks in 1986, a seasonal post in Ayr.

I wonder what your first one was (if you had one) and whether you agree or disagree with the comments in this article.

I thought it was one where we could get some comments going, so as always, lend me your words!

All the best,
