Monday 23 October 2017

Universities need to tell students the rules about plagiarism, says adjudicator

This is an interesting article to act as a rejoinder to the topic we explored in class today.

This quote resonated for me -  "Chinese colleagues comment 'what you call plagiarism we call good practice', so you have to explain to people they can do X and they can't do Y. You can't just assume it is known".

So what do you think about this article?


1 comment:

  1. In my eyes cheating is cheating . It does come down to what you said earlier Mark in that different cultures come with their own rules and norms. So we do need to clearly define the rules for international students. For students from this country they should already know our morals as a society and know that plagiarism is unacceptable. Unfortunately there will always be people who feel that can cheat the system and get away with it and they do deserve everything they get !
