Tuesday 29 May 2018

Mark's Final Thoughts - last blog entry for the academic year

Hello dear Swapkins (your phrase, not mine!)

Well, here I am penning my last post of this blog for your Communication classes. It’s been an intense and, I hope, educational year for all of us (we learn too, you know!)

Please read my words and I would be grateful if you could add some words of your own at the bottom in the comments section. You may not wish to write as much as I have or follow the same cyclical structure, but your comments would be appreciated all the same, whether they be good, bad or indifferent.

We (lecturers) should, I believe, always be prepared to do the tasks which we ask students to do. So, in that spirit, I aim, right here and right now, to write my own reflections and evaluation of the year.

Structure is (arguably) the most important aspect of anything concerning Communication, so here is how I have put my words together:

- Introduction – motivation and expectations
- Positive experiences
- How my course could be improved
- Evaluation of my own performance
- Conclusion – what I have learned

Mark's Reflective Words

So, to start, what was my motivation and expectations at the beginning of the year? (Ah yes, the old, trusty question to get a written piece kick-started). Well, beside my big, fat salary (that's a joke, obviously), my motivation was to create a supportive but challenging learning environment to allow you all to develop as learners. That all sounds a bit woolly but I suppose that’s what teaching is for me. Sometimes the word “teach” is too blunt an instrument for my liking.

My expectation was that I would be working with a group of initially nervous, able and interesting students who would be ready for a challenge. I wasn’t wrong. I think we were all up for the challenge and although tough at times, I am certain we all learned a great deal along the way.

It’s impossible to predict how classes will gel, but from very early on it was clear that you all worked and really importantly, 'learned' very well together. This intra-class dynamic is crucial to the development of a positive learning environment - it was always a pleasure to walk into your classes.

This brings me to my positive experiences. To be honest, the positive experiences are really too numerous to mention. One of the most fundamental factors in teaching I think, is developing positive relationships with learners. I feel that I was lucky in developing such relationships with each and every one of the class. So, my primary positive experience is the sum of all these relationships. I also feel that the blog we created together was an amazing journey, and most certainly a labour of love in my case! I really hope you enjoyed the experience and the end product. Next year's group has a great deal to live up to, make no mistake about that. More than 5,600 hits at the time of me composing this post. That is truly incredible by the way. Brilliant.

But what about improvements? We always need to be aware of how things could be improved. So what about improvements in things that I have control of (and this segues into the evaluation of my own performance)? Well, that’s trickier as it requires a degree of self-criticism.

I suppose I’m asking myself "would I do anything different?" Well, I think I might time or pace assessments in a slightly different way next year. I was very aware of the amount of assessments that you needed to get through this year. I was always mindful of the fact that learners work at different paces, the style of teaching has to 'fit' the needs of the class and to that end, I made a conscious effort to space the assessments out.

We did speaking, reading, reading, speaking, listening, listening as the order with the writing pieces both integrated. That said, the way I paced the last two listening assessments worked particularly well. I think I will set a separate report out too instead of integrating both pieces as I feel this will help the writing skills of next year's recruits even better with my input. I will still have plenty time to get the assessments done.

My own organisation skills were tested throughout and it is anticipated that you all knew where you stood with the (eight) assessments needed to pass FA1W 12. However, what I can note is that having taught and managed undergraduate and postgraduate courses at university, I know without a shadow of a doubt that universities will be strict on making deadlines, so make sure you do not fall foul of any time challenges as it were. Maybe I need to go on about that even more next year. (Already I can see the rolling-eyes of students I haven’t yet met). Joking aside though, meeting deadlines is an important part of all aspects of life and I have mentioned this on MANY occasions...

So, what have I learned? Well, amongst other things I’ve learned about PMA, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, the good, the bad and the Anime, video games and education; hey, you get my drift! I’ve also learned (or re-learned) that if we’re coasting along then we’re probably not learning a lot. But when we feel we are on the very edges of our comfort zone, then, possibly, we are learning. That’s what learning feels like. It’s not always a pleasant feeling at the time - but it seems worth the discomfort in retrospect. This is an important thing for us as lecturers to remember. We force students out of their comfort zone a lot. How often do we move out of ours?

I always like to think that one of my strengths as an educator is my time management and feedback skills. This takes a lot of time and effort to get right, so hopefully this is an area where you feel I have given you my very best attention. Oh, and a light peppering of humour never hurts either I always feel. Life can be so dull without a wee bit of laughter. And laughter is something 'they'll' never take away from us.

I have spent a lot of time putting this blog together too and have really enjoyed the experience. I know that not all members of the parish are keen bloggers, but that's OK. I'm fine with that, I like to be flexible with my thought processes! The Blogettes, you know who you are, certainly engaged with the blog like no others. And this spurred on some others to step up which was great. Reflection really is important, however we approach it. My favourite handle was definitely 'OAP', class!

Another way of self-evaluating for me as a lecturer is asking the simple question "what did my students learn?" One way of getting a measure of that is by asking you to comment on the blog, e mail me, fill in the mid and end of unit questionnaires that I composed etc. and unless you're all telling fibs, it seems that you all learned something along the way!

It was apparent from informal and formal mechanisms that the oral presentation delivery was the biggest fear for many students in the beginning. Oral presentation teaching is one of my passions of all the different areas of communication I teach, so it was refreshing to listen to so many amazing talks. The collegiate approach shown by you as a class, the expertise of the PP slides and the question and answer sessions were really entertaining at times.

So, to finish (and I just love cyclical structures), let's go right back to a question we started with at the very beginning of our time together: what is the purpose of education and communication? No need to reply, but I wonder has anyone changed their mind on that one…

Please make a comment on this thread prior to our final reflection class on Monday 4th June.

And don't forget that the Newsnight Listening assessment is to be submitted by that date too. Well done to those who have already done so and passed.

It has been a genuine blast and don't forget to add me on Facebook if you are a social media type!

Take care,

Mr H

Newsnight Listening assessment / essay info.

Hello all,

I see there are a couple of Trump assessments sitting in my inbox and I will get to them this morning for those of you who have submitted.

Just a reminder to everybody that the assessment submission date is on Monday 4th June, so please don't forget.

I will be meeting with Ryan tomorrow (Wed 30th) to look at all the essays and will contact everybody individually by e mail with my decision.

We are very nearly there, so please remain focused.

All the best,


Monday 14 May 2018

Final Listening assessment details

Hello all,

Here is the link to the final listening assessment which is shorter than the individual presentation. This should, in theory, make things easier for you! The clip deals with the issue of whether or not President Trump is racist.


https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/chimamanda-ngozi-adichie-shuts-down-robert-emmett-tyrrells-explanation-racism-bbc-newsnight_uk_58275d76e4b0ec3145f88086 - this is the link to the article that the SQA signposted in the questions.

The submission date is 4th June 2018. That will also be the date where we will return as a full class for the final time to reflect on your achievements, assessments etc.

Monday 11th June 2018 will only be used in the case of anybody who hasn't finished all the assessments.

Friday 11 May 2018

Thursday 10 May 2018

Every child deserves a champion: an adult who will never give up on them

"Every child deserves a champion, an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection, and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be." #TeacherAppreciationWeek


This is, in my opinion, a fabulous presentation from a great educator. It is a talk I have used in the past and worth listening to. I do appreciate that time may not be at a premium for you at the moment. It is teacher appreciation week so I thought it should be marked with a well seasoned educator delivering a great talk.

I was also sad to read that she has passed away, just as she had been headhunted to lead up a team on educational reform. She certainly sounded like she was exactly the person to drive education and learning forward. I recognize a lot of what she talks about in her delivery where the learner is key. There are timelines, there are different approaches to development and the road is not always a straight one.

Let me know what you think. I think it is delightfully simple, straightforward, funny and compassionate, amongst other things.

